Creating Organizational Capability

“As a manager, working with PCS is kind of like cheating. They get you there before you know that's where you want to be, but then you realize it's exactly where you needed
to go.”

− Drummond Pike
Principal, Equilibrium Capital and Founder & Former CEO at Tides

We design and create training and coaching programs to meet your organization’s needs

Progressive Consulting Services has designed and created training manuals to be used in a group or individual setting. We customize each training manual to meet your organization’s needs. In addition, specific case studies and exercises are designed to reflect the client’s challenges and needs.

By working through the manual and the worksheets, the individual gains knowledge, and develops a new valuable skill set. The result is enhanced personal awareness and professional performance.

For high schools and students an individualized program or specific courses can be customized to meet the specific need. The students are engaged in hands on problem solving and skill development exercises related to each selected topic.

The following training manuals are available:

For information on how can we assist your organization, executives or high school students please contact Laura Campobasso at 818.653.1141.